MGTC anjur CSR, hargai petugas barisan hadapan

RAWANG – Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Centre (MGTC) mengambil langkah proaktif dalam melaksanakan program kebajikan melalui penganjuran MGT-Green Touch iaitu salah satu program tanggungjawab sosial korporat (CSR) kepada golongan memerlukan khususnya di Pusat Penjagaan Titian Orang Kurang Upaya (OKU) Nur di sini semalam. Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif MGTC, Shamsul Bahar Mohd Nor berkata, program […]

Telah berlangsung Program MGTC GREEN TOUCH anjuran MGTC bersama Julie’s dan GISB Holdings yang bertempat di Pusat Jagaan Titian OKU Nur, Rawang. Majlis ini dihadiri oleh Dato’ Saiful Bahar bin Dato’ Mohd Arshad mewakili YB Timbalan Menteri KASA, Mr Martin Ang, Director of Julie’s Manufacturing Sdn Bhd, Dato’ Azri Yunus, Pengarah GISB Holdings, CEO MGTC, […]
MGTC-Green Touch Programme aims to make a difference in the lives of underprivileged and acknowledging frontliners contribution

RAWANG, 23 August 2020 – In solidarity with the Government’s effort to jointly combat the Covid-19 epidemic, MGTC as an agency under the purview of Ministry of Environment and Water (KASA) and also as the implementing agency for Malaysia’s participation in Expo 2020 Dubai joined-hand with its sponsors Julie’s Manufacturing and GISB Holdings to organised […]
Global recognition for social enterprise

AN initiative to empower refugee families to be self-sufficient and rebuild their lives has earned local food start-up PichaEats the Expo Live Innovation Impact Grant. The grant offered in conjunction with Expo 2020 Dubai, funds novel and innovative solutions that makes the world a better place. The organisers had received over 11,000 applications and 142 […]
The CEO of Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Centre visited Institute of Future Energy UTM

The Institute of Future Energy (IFE), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) Johor Bahru was honored to receive a visit from a special guest, the CEO of Malaysian Green Technology & Climate Change Centre (MGTC) Mr. Shamsul Bahar Mohd Nor on 9th August 2020. During the visit, Mr. Shamsul Bahar was accompanied by other MGTC delegates comprising […]
MOSTI maintains RM10 bln target in potential trade, investment at Expo 2020 Dubai

BANGI: Science, Technology and Innovation Ministry (MOSTI) is maintaining RM10 billion target in potential trade and investment at the Expo 2020 Dubai despite preparation for the event was disrupted due to Covid-19 pandemic. Its deputy secretary-general Dr Mohd Nor Azman Hassan said about 22 ministries, 38 government agencies and five state governments will participate in […]
Expo 2020 Dubai target remains

Despite 1-year postponement, the expo still garner great participation and support from various govt bodies and organisations by HARIZAH KAMEL/ pic by ARIF KARTONO EXPO Dubai 2020, which has been postponed to next year due to the global Covid-19 pandemic, is still expected to garner great participation and support from Malaysia’s various government bodies and […]
Malaysia’s Expo 2020 Dubai Celebrates International Youth Day

MGTC today has invited two Malaysian youth who have been a major success in their own field to share their experiences and their calling in playing their part in providing solutions for global issues. The shared session was part of Malaysia’s Expo 2020 Dubai Celebrates International Youth Day event, held earlier at MGTC. Also attending […]
Local Social Enterprise makes Malaysia proud for winning Expo 2020 Dubai Innovation Grant

BANGI (12 August 2020) — What began as a noble initiative to empower refugee families to be self-sufficient and able to send their children to school has earned PichaEats global recognition when it recently won the Expo Live Innovation Impact Grant. PichaEats beat thousands vying for the much sought-after Expo 2020 Dubai grant. For its […]
MGTC August Gathering & Celebration 2020

MGTC August Gathering & Celebration 2020. MGTC Employee Suggestion Programme(MESP) was launched during the gathering. MESP is a programme introduced by Talent & Development Administration Department (TDA). The programme aims to improve employee performance and quality through active participation in the form of suggestions. In welcoming active participation, a Merit point will be given to […]