Malaysia mahu perkukuh kerjasama dengan UAE

Ekspo 2020 Dubai platform terbaik pertingkatusaha sama pelbagai bidang Oleh Shahrizan Salian Malaysia mencadangkan kerja- sama lebih erat dengan Pavilion Emiriah Arab Bersatu (UAE) pada Ekspo 2020 Dubai, yang di- jadualkan semula dari 1 Oktober 2021 hingga 31 Mac 2022. Menteri Kanan merangkap Menteri Perdagangan Antara- bangsa dan Industri, Datuk Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali, […]
Azmin: Malaysia wants enhanced collaboration with UAE at Expo 2020 Dubai

KUALA LUMPUR, May 3 — Malaysia has proposed for more collaboration with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Pavilion at the rescheduled Expo 2020 Dubai, which will now run from Oct 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022. Senior Minister cum the International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali said the collaboration could be on areas such as business matching, […]
Malaysia Pavilion Concept & Design

Malaysia Pavilion’s theme “Energising Sustainability” reflects how our country balances economic progress by taking into account environmental well-being. Human and nature share a symbiotic relationship and our Pavilion ‘touches the ground lightly’ at Expo in design as well as its green elements. The theme is manifested through the Concept & Design of a Rainforest Canopy […]
MBSJ gains recognition for low-carbon city initiative

Subang Jaya City Council (MBSJ) received diamond recognition for its Bandar Sunway Project at the Low-Carbon City Awards Ceremony 2020 in Putrajaya. The event was organised by Environment and Water Ministry through Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Centre to recognise agencies that had implemented the Low-Carbon Cities Framework initiative. “The winning criteria was based […]
Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Centre (MGTC) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Majlis Bandaraya Shah Alam (MBSA)…
Malam Deklamasi Puisi Alam: Wahai Bumi Murkakah Kau Padaku?

Sausana sekitar majlis Malam Deklamasi Puisi Alam: Wahai Bumi Murkakah Kau Padaku?, malam tadi. KASA telah melancarkan buku, ‘Antologi 100 Puisi Alam Sekitar’ yang disumbangkan oleh 85 warga KASA sendiri termasuk agensi dan juga jabatan sempena 1 tahun penubuhan KASA dan apresiasi terhadap alam. Program ini diadakan bertujuan untuk menjadikan puisi sebagi wahana pembudayaan kelestarian […]
Majlis Anugerah Bandar Rendah Karbon 2020

Sekitar Majlis Anugerah Bandar Rendah Karbon 2020 yang telah berlangsung semalam di Putrajaya. Tahniah kepada semua penerima anugerah. #KementerianAlamSekitarDanAir#MalaysianGreenTechnologyAndClimateChangeCentre#KASA#MGTC#BandarRendahKarbon#LCCF
MDHS rangkul empat anugerah Cabaran LCC 2030

HULU SELANGOR – Majlis Daerah Hulu Selangor (MDHS) memenangi empat anugerah pada Majlis Anugerah Bandar Rendah Karbon 2020 anjuran Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Centre (MGTC). MDHS dalam satu kenyataan berkata, MDHS menerima dua pengiktirafan ‘Diamond’ menerusi dua kategori iaitu Kategori Zon dan Kategori Rakan Kongsi. Menurutnya, bagi Kategori Zon, Bandar Kuala Kubu Bharu […]
KeTSA honours National Energy Awards 2020 winners

THE Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources (KeTSA) recently honoured winners of the National Energy Awards (NEA) 2020, comprising 15 companies across various industries and fields, who later represented the country at the Asean Energy Awards (AEA) 2020. At AEA 2020, the categories were Green Building Awards 2020; Energy Management for Buildings & Industry Awards […]
KASA rolls out RM35 mln GeRAK to empower Low Carbon Cities initiative

KUALA LUMPUR, April 6 — The Environment and Water Ministry (KASA) has launched the Low Carbon Cities Catalyst Grant (GeRAK) worth RM35 million to empower the high-impact low carbon cities initiative. Minister Datuk Seri Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man said priorities would be given to local authorities implementing the Low Carbon Cities Framework (LCCF) and the […]