IGEM 2022 to aid private sector’s ESG commitment

THE International Greentech and Eco Products Exhibition and Conference Malaysia 2022 (IGEM 2022) will focus on aiding the private sector’s environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) goals. According to Environment and Water Minister Datuk Seri Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man, it is urgent that all organisations, companies and financial institutions are to meet their respective ESG commitments. […]

Malaysia berdepan impak perubahan iklim agak ketara

Tuan Ibrahim bersama Shamsul Bahar (kiri), Zaini (dua kiri) dan Timbalan Ketua Setiausaha (Alam Sekitar) Kementerian Alam Sekitar dan Air, Noor Afifah Abdul Razak (kanan) pada pra pelancaran IGEM 2022 di Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre. - Foto NSTP/Saifullizan Tamadi

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia berdepan impak perubahan iklim yang agak ketara sejak kebelakangan ini menerusi beberapa insiden yang boleh disaksikan, termasuk banjir kilat dan limpahan bah yang menjejaskan beberapa kawasan baharu. Justeru itu, Menteri Alam Sekitar dan Air, Datuk Seri Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man, berkata adalah penting bagi semua pihak termasuk swasta dan kerajaan untuk menyediakan […]

Green tech conference expected to generate RM3bil

KUALA LUMPUR: The International Greentech and Eco Products Exhibition and Conference Malaysia (Igem) 2022, to be held from Oct 12 to 14, is expected to lure 30,000 visitors from 30 countries and generate RM3bil in business leads. It would involve experts from various industries, including government representatives, technology leaders, pioneers, academics and entrepreneurs who would […]

IGEM 2022 targets RM3 bil investment prospects

KUALA LUMPUR (July 22): The Government targets to secure about RM3 billion in green technology and sustainability-led investment prospects, up from RM2 billion targeted last year, at the upcoming International Greentech and Eco Products Exhibition and Conference Malaysia (IGEM) 2022 that is expected to be held from Oct 12 to Oct 14. Environment and Water […]

Towards a sustainable future

PETALING JAYA: As the population grows rapidly, consumption of raw materials is also on the rise, with most natural resources being finite in nature. Against this backdrop, calls for a shift from our current economic model, a “take, make, waste” economy, or linear economy, to a circular “reduce, reuse, recycle” one, are increasingly urgent, experts […]

No land left if waste not reduced, warns expert

KUALA LUMPUR: There will be no more land left in Malaysia by 2050 if nothing is done to reduce waste, says an expert. Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Corporation chief executive officer Shamsul Bahar Mohd Nor said if left unchecked, the problem would lead to more spaces being converted into landfills, leaving limited space […]

Program Kesedaran Kepentingan Kelestarian Alam

MGTC dengan kerjasama Kementerian Alam Sekitar dan Air (KASA) dan UiTM Cawangan Pahang telah berjaya menganjurkan Program Kesedaran Kepentingan Kelestarian Alam bertempat di Sekitar Masjid Uwais Al-Qarni, UiTM Cawangan Pahang, Kampus Jengka. Majlis ini yang merupakan salah satu inisiatif di bawah Rumah Ibadat Hijau telah disempurnakan oleh YB Dato’ Sri Tuan Ibrahim bin Tuan Man, […]

Rehda highlights building a greener Malaysia

he govt has launched several initiatives to achieve net zero by 2050, such as the GTMP to create a low-carbon and resource-efficient economy by AUFA MARDHIAH THE Real Estate and Housing Developers’ Association of Malaysia (Rehda) yesterday held the Green Build Conference 2022 where they spoke about the national and local policies towards a low carbon-built environment. […]

Majlis Pra-Pelancaran ‘The Race Towards 1000 Eco-Schools 2025’

Sekitar Majlis Pra-Pelancaran ‘The Race Towards 1000 Eco-Schools 2025′ yang telah di sempurnakan oleh YB Dato’ Sri Mustapa bin Mohamed, Menteri Di Jabatan Perdana Menteri (Ekonomi). Pada majlis ini juga, Legatus EV menerusi MGTC telah menyerahkan sumbangan e-Scooter kepada SMK Mahsuri, Langkawi sebagai simbolik kepada permulaan Eco-Schools Peringkat Negeri Kedah. Semoga Program Eco-Schools ini menjadi […]