Majlis Pelancaran Dasar Tenaga Negara 2022-2040 (DTN)

PUTRAJAYA, 19 September 2022 – YAB Dato’ Sri Ismail Sabri bin Yaakob, Perdana Menteri pada petang semalam telah merasmikan Majlis Pelancaran Dasar Tenaga Negara 2022-2040 (DTN) di Hotel Marriot, Putrajaya.DTN merupakan komitmen Kerajaan untuk menyediakan peluang pekerjaan baharu dan menjadikan sektor tenaga sebagai pemangkin utama kemampanan sosioekonomi bagi kesejahteraan Keluarga Malaysia.Kerajaan telah menggubal DTN dengan […]

Malaysian companies win big at the ASEAN Energy Awards

The ASEAN Energy Awards is Southeast Asia’s highest reward for excellence, recognizing organizational efforts in sustainable energy management. The Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources (KeTSA) announced today that Malaysia brought 12 awards at the ASEAN Energy Awards 2022 (AEA).  Held in Cambodia, the AEA is Southeast Asia’s highest reward for excellence, recognizing organizational efforts […]

Twelve Malaysian Industry Players Won The Prestigious Asean Energy Awards 2022

PUTRAJAYA, Malaysia, Sept. 19, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — The Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources (KeTSA) announced today that Malaysia brought home 12 awards in various categories at the ASEAN Energy Awards 2022 (AEA). Held in Cambodia, the AEA is Southeast Asia’s highest reward for excellence, recognizing organizational efforts in sustainable energy management, practices, and efficiency in the region. Malaysia was represented by a total of 22 organizations […]

The National Energy Awards 2022 Drives More Sustainable Breakthroughs From Local Industries

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, Sept. 14, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — The National Energy Awards (NEA) announced its winners for the year 2022 by honouring industry players for embracing and investing in sustainable energy practices. Spearheaded by the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources (KETSA), NEA is an award that embraces forward-thinking sustainable concepts and practices for Malaysia’s leading business figures in the renewable […]

National Energy Awards 2022 drives more sustainable breakthrough from local industries

KUALA LUMPUR (Sept 14): The National Energy Awards (NEA) 2022, which aligns with Malaysia’s goal of becoming carbon-neutral by 2050, continues to increase industry participation and awareness of sustainable energy practices, adhering to international standards. In recognising forward-thinking sustainable concepts and practices for Malaysia’s leading business figures in renewable energy, energy management, and energy efficiency […]

Govt committed to ensuring policies prioritise biodiversity conservation

KUALA LUMPUR (Sept 14): The government will continue to be committed to ensuring that its policies prioritise the need to preserve the wealth of the nation’s biodiversity. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob said the government is also committed to ensuring that the pace of the country’s development is environmentally friendly for the benefit […]

Ekspo 2020 Dubai: Malaysia catat potensi dagangan RM77.25 bilion

KUALA LUMPUR – Penyertaan Malaysia dalam Ekspo 2020 Dubai baru-baru ini berjaya mencatatkan potensi perdagangan dan pelaburan keseluruhan berjumlah RM77.25 bilion. Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob berkata, sasaran yang ditetapkan kerajaan adalah untuk mencapai RM8 bilion hingga RM10 bilion pulangan perdagangan dan pelaburan sepanjang enam bulan penyertaan ke ekspo itu. “Alhamdulillah, saya dengan […]

Govt committed to ensuring policies prioritise biodiversity conservation

KUALA LUMPUR (Sept 14): The government will continue to be committed to ensuring that its policies prioritise the need to preserve the wealth of the nation’s biodiversity. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob said the government is also committed to ensuring that the pace of the country’s development is environmentally friendly for the benefit […]

Sesi Latihan Amalan Hijau kepada Industri untuk Sektor Pembuatan

Pada 8 September 2022 yang lepas, MGTC telah mengadakan Sesi Latihan Amalan Hijau kepada Industri untuk Sektor Pembuatan bertempat di Zenith Hotel, Putrajaya.Sesi latihan tersebut telah dikendalikan oleh Prof Ir Dr Sapuan Salit, Pensyarah Universiti Putra Malaysia dan disertai oleh pemain industri dalam sektor pembuatan.Anda juga boleh mengikuti Kursus Latihan Amalan Hijau yang bakal dijalankan […]

Majlis Menandatangani Ikrar Integriti Korporat (CIP) dan Pelancaran Pelan Anti Rasuah Organisasi (OACP)

MGTC telah menganjurkan Majlis Menandatangani Ikrar Integriti Korporat (CIP) dan Pelancaran Pelan Anti Rasuah Organisasi (OACP) semasa Perhimpunan Bulanan pada 12 September yang lalu.Ikrar Integriti Korporat (CIP) telah ditandatangani oleh Ts Shamsul Bahar Mohd Nor, Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif MGTC sambil disaksikan oleh Encik Mohd Soni Bin Ahmad, Pegawai Siasatan, Seksyen Pengurusan Aduan, Pengesanan dan Pengesahan […]