ESG this, ESG that… Does it really matter to M’sian SMEs? Here’s the rundown.


Earlier in the year, the International Trade and Industry Minister (Tengku Datuk Seri Zafrul Abdul Aziz) announced that the government will be launching a framework on ESG (environmental, social, and governance) standards.  This is expected to be ready by the end of the year to help local SMEs transition into renewable energy, and is said to help […]

Kutip Sampah Sambil Riadah (KUDAH), Setiawangsa, Kuala Lumpur

Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Corporation (MGTC) telah menganjurkan program Kutip Sampah Sambil Riadah (KUDAH) bersempena dengan Majlis Penyerahan & Pemasangan Pili Cekap Air bersama Sukarelawan & Jemaah Masjid Muadz bin Jabal, Setiawangsa, Kuala Lumpur. Program yang diadakan ini merupakan salah satu inisiatif di bawah Rumah Ibadat Hijau sebagai pusat pemangkin kelestarian alam sekitar […]

De-carbonising carbon-intensive Sectors with operational efficiency

Four key industries — oil, gas and chemicals; metals and mining; fossil fuel power generation; and transport and logistics — are heavily reliant on fossil fuels and account for more than 50% of greenhouse gas (GHG) globally. In Malaysia, carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are dominated by the burning of fossil fuels for energy production such […]



MGTC is happy to support ASEAN PROCUREMENT INNOVATION SUMMIT 2023, an exclusive platform where global procurement experts will provide in-depth insight into digital transformation, strategic supplier management, and next-generation procurement technologies that will shape the future of procurement in 2023 and beyond. The ASEAN PROCUREMENT INNOVATION SUMMIT explores the skills, processes, and latest technologies needed […]

Program Rumah Ibadat Hijau (RIH)

MGTC telah bekerjasama dengan RHB Islamic Bank Berhad dalam menyumbangkan pelaksanaan teknologi hijau melalui pelancaran sistem solar di bumbung masjid pilihan iaitu Masjid Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al-Multafa Billah Shah, Pusat Bandar Jengka, Pahang dan Masjid Al-Barakah Kesang Luar, Jasin, Melaka dalam usaha menyokong pelaksanaan program Rumah Ibadat Hijau (RIH) di masjid.Majlis Pelancaran Pelaksanaan Sistem Solar […]