National Energy Awards recognises 29 local players for their sustainability efforts

The National Energy Awards has been organised annually since 2018.

Winners prove their commitment to a greener Malaysia through their initiatives. THE Ministry of Natural Resources, Environment and Climate Change (NRECC) together with the Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Corporation (MGTC) announced and awarded 29 winners of the National Energy Awards (NEA) 2023 from a total of 114 submissions. NEA – held annually since […]

Malaysian Sustainability Champions Honoured at National Energy Awards 2023

The Ministry of Natural Resources, Environment and Climate Change (NRECC) together with the Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Corporation (MGTC) has announced and awarded 29 winners of the National Energy Awards (NEA) 2023 from a total of 114 submissions. NEA is organised annually since 2018 to recognise leading Malaysian corporations and institutions for adopting […]

Sustainability Champions Honoured at National Energy Awards 2023

The Ministry of Natural Resources, Environment and Climate Change (NRECC) together with the Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Corporation (MGTC) has announced and awarded 29 winners of the National Energy Awards (NEA) 2023 from a total of 114 submissions. NEA is organised annually since 2018 to recognise leading Malaysian corporations and institutions for adopting […]

Focus Group Discussion (FGD) untuk tiga skop projek RMK12-LCMB

Pasukan Mobiliti MGTC dengan kerjasama pihak Malaysia Automotive, Robotics and IoT Institute (MARii) telah mengadakan satu sesi Focus Group Discussion (FGD) untuk tiga skop projek RMK12-LCMB.Projek ini penting bagi penyediaan cadangan polisi, insentif dan memfokuskan satu standard/baseline Fuel Economy (liter petrol/km) yang perlu dipatuhi industri bagi pembuatan kereta termasuk kenderaan muatan berat dan pelaksanaan pengurusan […]