MGTC's History

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In October 2019, GreenTech Malaysia is rebranded as Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Centre (MGTC) with an expanded portfolio that includes spearheading climate action for the nation. MGTC will act as a hub for climate change data, policy analysis, reporting and monitoring, coordination of climate change mitigation and climate change adaptation, effectively becoming the executing body for climate change and green technology for the Ministry of Environment and Water.

After a successful GTFS programme, GreenTech Malaysia develops an enhanced GTFS 2.0, which includes Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) as a new category of eligible applicants to support investment or assets related to energy efficient and/or energy performance contracting. Since GTFS was introduced in 2010, no less than 28 financial institutions have begun participating in the programme.

The Green Technology Master Plan (GTMP) is launched at IGEM 2017. Developed by the Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water (KeTTHA) and GreenTech Malaysia, it creates a framework to facilitate the mainstreaming of green technology into Malaysia’s development plans. GTMP focuses on six key sectors, namely Energy, Manufacturing, Transportation, Building, Waste and Water, harmonising the policy directions of each sector towards the common goal of creating a low-carbon and resource efficient economy.

The Government Green Procurement is implemented at all 25 ministries at the Federal Government level.

GreenTech Malaysia starts to develop strategic action plans for state g o v e r n m e n t s and organisations as part of NGTP deployment.

To incentivise the adoption of green technology, GreenTech Malaysia initiates the Green Investment Tax Allowance (GITA) for the purchase of green technology equipment and/or assets, and Green Income Tax Exemption (GITE) for the provision of green technology services.

MyHIJAU Directory carries the complete list of product and service providers certified with the MyHIJAU Mark, categorised with detailed information and descriptions. The Directory is to serve as a source of reference for ministries, agencies and companies in making green purchasing decisions.

MyHijau Mark is approved by MTHPI on 23 October 2012. The programme serves as Government recognition for products and services that have been certified green and comply with local or international environmental standards. It is an initiative to promote the sourcing and purchasing of green products and services in Malaysia.

In line with the NGTP, GreenTech Malaysia develops the Low Carbon Cities Framework (LCCF) to guide cities and townships towards sustainable development to reduce carbon emissions. The document can be used by stakeholders in cities, townships or even neighbourhoods to measure the impact of their development decisions in terms of carbon emissions and abatement.

The year is filled with milestones related to the implementation of NGTP. Pusat Tenaga Malaysia (PTM) is rebranded as Malaysian Green Technology Corporation (GreenTech Malaysia) with an expanded portfolio on promoting green technology. 2010 also marks the establishment of the Green Technology and Climate Change Council (MTHPI); the first edition of International Greentech & Eco Products Exhibition & Conference Malaysia (IGEM); and launch of the Green Technology Financing Scheme (GTFS).

In July 2009, the Government unveils the National Green Technology Policy (NGTP), marking a turning point in Malaysia’s journey of sustainable growth. One of the main aims is to provide a conducive environment for green technology development.