Government Green Procurement

Keep the oven door shut!
When baking, try to resist the temptation to peek at those cookies every 2 minutes to see if they’re ready to nom yet. Opening the oven door lets valuable heat escape and prolongs the time it takes for the food to cook, thus wasting a considerable amount of energy.
To support the marketing of green products and services, the Government is also practicing what they preach through the Government Green Procurement (GGP) initiative. Launched in 2013, the GGP seeks to integrate environmental considerations towards Government-based procurements, taking
into account the protection of the natural environment, reduction of pollution, and the conservation of resources. By 2020, all Government offices will implement the GGP, and 20% of purchases of selected products or services procured by the public sector will be green-labelled.
In 2018, GGP Guidelines 2.0 were published to act as an updated reference, covering 20 GGP criteria for green products and services, such as ICT equipment, air-conditioning systems, and cleaning services. The core team in charge of GGP, led by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Energy, Science, Technology, Environment and Climate Change (MESTECC), will continue to expand on this initiative as well as further develop the GGP Guidelines. The GGP team will also collaborate with the Department of Works to develop the Guidelines of Work Procurement, in order to further increase the value the GGP can contribute.