Foreword for Green Practices Guidelines

Keep the oven door shut!
When baking, try to resist the temptation to peek at those cookies every 2 minutes to see if they’re ready to nom yet. Opening the oven door lets valuable heat escape and prolongs the time it takes for the food to cook, thus wasting a considerable amount of energy.
Welcome to the Green Practices Guideline; a significant milestone in the ongoing implementation of the MyHIJAU Programme since 2012 as part of the Green Industry efforts outlined in the Twelfth Malaysia Plan. This programme is under the Ministry of Natural Resources, Environment and Climate Change (NRECC) and coordinated by the Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Corporation (MGTC).
Eight Green Practices Guidelines were developed for the following sectors: Agriculture & Plantation, Construction, Manufacturing, Mining, Fisheries (Aquaculture), Livestock, Forest Operation, and Services. These guidelines serve as a comprehensive resource for the green industry, providing guidance on the adoption and implementation of sustainable practices at every stage of a company’s production and consumption.
The development of these guidelines aligns with the National Green Technology Policy (NGTP) and the Sustainable Consumption & Production (SCP) direction, aiming to promote the use of green technology among local manufacturers, producers, and suppliers, particularly small and medium enterprises (SMEs). By incorporating green practices, we can foster a culture of sustainability and contribute to the government’s vision of green development in Malaysia.
These guidelines not only emphasize the importance of integrating green practices in an organisation’s business operations but also provide a roadmap for industry players in their pursuit of green technology adoption. By adhering to these guidelines, businesses can tap into the potential of the green sector, explore green product and service offerings, and enhance their operations by incorporating sustainable practices.
In line with SDG 12.6, which advocates for the integration of sustainable practices and information sustainability into the reporting cycle, these guidelines outline the requirements that industries, companies, and organisations should follow. They are designed to be a valuable reference for all stakeholders, facilitating the government’s objective of promoting and implementing green development initiatives.
As we embark on the Twelfth Malaysia Plan, with a strong focus on accelerating green growth, these guidelines emerge as a catalyst for practical and effective green practices across the industry. By prioritising environmental, social, and governance (ESG) elements in decision-making processes, companies can significantly reduce their negative impact on the environment while increasing productivity and long-term profitability.
Although Malaysia’s contribution to greenhouse gas emissions stands at 0.7 percent, the government remains committed to reducing GHG emission intensity by 45 percent relative to GDP by 2030. This commitment aligns with our aspiration to become a low carbon nation. By embracing green practices and incorporating knowledge about the benefits and applications of green technology, the industry can play a pivotal role in achieving this goal.
We hope that these Green Practice Guidelines will serve as a foundation for industry-wide understanding and adoption of sustainable practices. By embracing the principles outlined within this guide, businesses can gain recognition as leaders in the green industry and contribute to a cleaner, greener, and more sustainable future for Malaysia.
Let us join hands in the pursuit of a thriving green industry and a better world for generations to come.