Dalam Berita

Create your own compost
Don’t waste your kitchen scraps and leftover food – turn them into compost. You would be surprised how much of the food that you currently throw away can be recycled and turned into compost.

MESTECC: 40 Achievements Unlocked in 18 Months
KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 4 — The Ministry of Energy, Science, Technology, Environment and Climate Change (MESTECC) has unlocked 40 achievements

M’sia set to maximise green industry, renewable energy
KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia is set to maximise the potential of its green industry and renewable energy sector in 2020 to

GTFS lulus RM4.536 bilion
KUALA LUMPUR: Sejumlah RM4.536 bilion diluluskan untuk tawaran pembiayaan menerusi institusi kewangan swasta (PFIs) di bawah Skim Pembiayaan Teknologi Hijau

RM3.4b in investments targeted for IGEM 2020
KUALA LUMPUR: The government targets to secure RM3.4 billion in investments and potential business leads for the upcoming International Greentech

IGEM 2019 surpasses all targets, achieves nearly RM6 bln in business leads
KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 17 — The green technologies and eco-solutions trade event organised recently by the Energy, Science, Technology, Environment

Yeo: IGEM 2019 raked in RM3bil more business leads than targeted
KUALA LUMPUR: A roaring success, the 10th International Greentech & Eco Products Exhibition & Conference Malaysia (IGEM 2019) gained almost RM6bil