LCOS Personal Carbon Footprint Snapshot

The LCOS Personal Carbon Footprint Snapshot is a tool to help Malaysians quickly measure their carbon footprint. This calculator will cover emissions from electricity consumption, land transport usage and waste generated.

These 3 emission sources are the most basic and most common activities for individuals.


The formula for calculating your carbon footprint is: Activity Data x Emissions Factor = Carbon Emissions

In order to calculate your personal carbon footprint snapshot, you will need the following information:

  • Total 12 months data of your household electricity consumption in kilowatt hours (kWh)
  • Total 12 months data of the fuel consumption (petrol or diesel) of your vehicles in litres (L)
  • Total 12 months data of the amount of waste that you throw away in kilograms (kg)

The Emissions Factor used in this calculator are:

  • Electricity : Peninsular Malaysia Energy Commission 2021 Grid EF @ 0.758 kgCO2e/kWh
  • Petrol : DEFRA 2023 @ 2.34502 kgCO2e/litre
  • Diesel : DEFRA 2023 @ 2.51206 kgCO2e/litre
  • Waste : DEFRA 2023 @ 497.04470 Metric Tons CO2e / Short Ton Material
    (Treatment: Landfilled)


LCOS Personal Carbon Footprint Snapshot

[CP_CALCULATED_FIELDS id="10" class="form-b"]
In 2019, Malaysia's carbon footprint per capita was 10.158 tCO2e per person.
[CP_CALCULATED_FIELDS id="9" class="form-c"]

*If your estimated carbon footprint is more than the average Malaysian, you should take steps to improve your household energy efficiency, find alternative transportation means and reduce the amount of waste that you produce.

Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Green Lifestyle