Green Practices Guideline for Services Sector

EXISTING INITIATIVES AGENCY/ INSTITUTIONS REFERENCE DESCRIPTION CRITERIA FOR ASSESSMENT GREEN PRACTICES INDICATOR BENEFITS SCAN FOR LINK) LOW CARBON CITIES FRAMEWORK (LCCF) NRECC Provide a framework to achieve sustainable development that will help in reducing carbon emissions by measuring the impact of development decisions in terms of carbon emissions and abatement. Urban Environment; Urban Transport; Urban Infrastructure; Building Reduction performance will be awarded an environmental performance rating FEED-IN TARIFF (FIT) SEDA The mechanism under the Renewable Energy Policy to catalyse generation of Renewable Energy (RE) up to 30 MW in size. Biogas; Biomass; Small Hydropower; Solar Photovoltaic Reduce CO 2 emissions and secure domestic energy supply, and guarantee investment security for renewable energy investors GREEN ELECTRICITY TARIFF (GET) NRECC Encourage the use and purchase of green electricity from large-scale solar and hydroelectric plants along with supporting the nation’s aspiration to reduce net-zero GHG emissions by 2050. Residential customer (100kWh per block); Non-residential customer (1000kWh per block) Subscribers able to receive Malaysia Energy Certificate (mREC) based on international REC standards and exempted from ICPT charge MALAYSIA ELECTRICITY SUPPLY INDUSTRY TRUST ACCOUNT (MESITA) NRECC Funding for programmes or projects that support the development of the national power industry including renewable energy R&D, human resources, and energy efficiency. Electricity supply Funding for programmes and projects ENERGY MANAGEMENT GOLD STANDARD (EMGS) MGTC Certification system delivered under the ASEAN Energy Management Scheme (AEMAS) based on excellence in energy management. Energy management Recognised as a leader in energy management 48 GREEN PRACTICES GUIDELINE FOR SERVICES SECTOR