Green Practices Guideline for Livestock Sector
2.3.3 WATER Water scarcity and quality issues are prevalent despite water covering two-thirds of the Earth’s surface and being renewable on a global scale. Local shortages and degradation of water bodies occur frequently, posing significant challenges. With increasing demand, the withdrawal of water for industrial processes without returning it to the same water source in its original quantity and quality can lead to severe depletion of rivers, lakes, and groundwater tables. Certain industrial processes and products necessitate the use of water, which may vary in quality requirements. While water may not be directly consumed in the production process, it is often indirectly utilised for cooling, heating, or washing purposes. Enhancing the rate of recirculation and minimising evaporation can substantially reduce overall water consumption, lessening the reliance on municipal water supplies, groundwater sources, or surface waters. It is recommended that facilities accurately measure and monitor the amount of water being recycled or recirculated within their operations. By prioritising water conservation measures, industries can mitigate the impact on local water resources and contribute to sustainable water management. Implementing efficient water usage practices, such as optimising recirculation systems, reducing water losses, and implementing technologies that minimise water requirements, can help decrease water consumption and preserve water resources. Additionally, adopting water management strategies that prioritise water reuse and recycling can further contribute to sustainable water practices. Considering the finite nature of freshwater resources, industries play a crucial role in promoting responsible water stewardship. By implementing measures to reduce water demand, enhance recycling and recirculation, and monitor water usage, industries can contribute to the conservation and sustainable management of this vital resource, ensuring its availability for future generations. 40 GREEN PRACTICES GUIDELINE FOR LIVESTOCK SECTOR
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