Green Practices Guideline for Livestock Sector
3.3. COMPUTATION The renewable energy percentage and renewable fuel percentage for the reporting period can be calculated using the following equations: Percentage (%) of renewable energy consumption = Energy consumption coming from RE sources (i. e. , kWh, kJ, MMBTU) Total energy consumption x 100% (i. e. , kWh, kJ, MMBTU) Percentage (%) of renewable fuel consumption = Fuel consumption coming from renewable sources (unit for fuel) Total fuel consumption x 100% (unit for fuel) 3.4. ASSUMPTIONS AND UNCERTAINTIES Wherever fuel characteristic information is used for calculations, it shall be noted that the averaging of such characteristics (i.e., calorific value) contributes to uncertainties. Any and all averaging approach to consumption data shall be noted and wherever practicably possible the uncertainties shall be quantified. Total energy consumed for the reporting period shall be calculated based on the actual consumption of energy for each month within the reporting period. In the event of data unavailability, average consumptions can be provided. Averaging approaches and assumptions made should be described in sufficient detail. Total fuel consumed for the year of reporting shall be calculated based on the actual consumption of fuel for each month within the reporting period. Each type of fuel should be calculated separately. Suggested unit for fuel as follows: Liquid fuel (i.e., petrol, diesel, oil, etc.) - litres of fuel Solid fuel (i.e., coal, woodchip, etc) - kg of fuel Gaseous fuel (i.e., natural gas, LPG, etc.) – MMBTU or cu.ft. of gases If the organisation is reporting both renewable electricity and renewable fuels, the energy units should be standardised in MWh or MJ and reported in combination. 4. OTHER METHODOLOGICAL CONSIDERATIONS 4.1. COMMENT AND LIMITATION There are no limitations to this indicator. 4.2. VALIDATION Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) issued by Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) or GSPARX Sdn. Bhd. to validate total amount of renewable energy subscribed. 4.3. QUALITY MANAGEMENT Not applicable. 5. REFERENCES 1. National Energy Efficiency Action Plan 2016 – 2025. 2. Malaysia Renewable Energy Roadmap (MyRER). 3. Dasar Tenaga Negara (DTN) 2022 – 2040. 4. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 111 GREEN PRACTICES GUIDELINE FOR LIVESTOCK SECTOR
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