Green Practices Guideline for Forest Operation

3. Policy in place, documented (e.g., minutes of meeting/policy document/annual budget approval) and disseminated. 4. Monitoring record - look for the current record and check for frequency monitoring. 5. Data availability at selected baseline year on the amount of non-hazardous waste recycled, amount of non-hazardous waste disposed, and amount of non-hazardous waste generated. At least any two data listed must be available to allow calculation on non-hazardous waste recycled. 6. Evidence of recycling by third parties e.g., receipt/invoice/ financial report etc. 7. Validation of recycling by third parties e.g., contract/validation report/audit report. 8. Evidence of continuous quality improvement (CQI) exercise such as minute of meeting/CQI report. Example of CQI is performance of the selected contractor. 9. Evidence of recognition by third party such as validation or certification or award. 3.3. COMPUTATION Selecting a baseline year: Percentage (%) Amount of of recycling hazardous waste recycled non-hazardous    = Total amount of x 100 waste non-hazardous waste generated whereby, Amount of hazardous waste recycled = Amount of hazardous waste generated – Amount of hazardous waste disposed. Total amount of non-hazardous waste generated is the summation of all wastes generated from the process/activity within the boundary. 3.4. ASSUMPTIONS AND UNCERTAINTIES Non-hazardous waste loss during the activities within the defined boundary is assumed to be negligible. Secondary data will be used in the event of primary data is unavailable. 4. OTHER METHODOLOGICAL CONSIDERATIONS 4.1. COMMENT AND LIMITATION There are no limitations to this indicator. 4.2. VALIDATION Not applicable. 4.3. QUALITY MANAGEMENT ISO 14040:2006 Environmental Management — Life cycle assessment — Principles and framework. 5. REFERENCES 1. Green Technology Master Plan (GTMP) 2017 – 2030. 2. Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 2030. 81 GREEN PRACTICES GUIDELINE FOR FOREST OPERATION