Green Practices Guideline for Forest Operation

INDICATOR: ENERGY SUB-INDICATOR: ENERGY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SCORE PLEASE TICK (/) POINT SCORE CRITERIA DATA SOURCES/EVIDENCE ATTACHMENT REFERENCE 4 External certification received for energy management system Organisation energy policies: Organisation policies or guidelines specific to energy or main policy documents which specifically address energy efficiency plan and target. 3 Energy saving measures implemented; WITH systematic reporting and monitoring system; WITH energy policies in place Organisation mission and vision statements: Organisation mission and vision statements specific to energy or main policy documents. 2 Energy saving measures implemented; WITH systematic reporting and monitoring system; WITHOUT energy policies in place Energy management activity : Records and documentation related to energy management activity that include the energy management committee and energy audit. 1 Energy saving measures implemented; WITHOUT systematic reporting and monitoring system; WITHOUT energy policies in place Data related to energy management activity: Records and documentation of energy consumption, renewable energy, energy saving and performance within the organisation. 0 No energy management system Reports, reviews by third parties, or certifications received by the organisation based on locally or internationally recognised standards. 67 GREEN PRACTICES GUIDELINE FOR FOREST OPERATION