Green Practices Guideline for Fisheries Sector
Observations: Observations are made during the site visit to understand the actual case scenario of the green initiative implementation within the boundaries of the organisation. Interviews: Interviews with respondent carried out to acquire insight of the processes/activities involved within the boundaries of the organisation. Questionnaires/surveys: A set of questions designed for respondent to acquire insight of the processes/activities involved within the boundaries of the organisation. Documents reviews: Documents reviewed during the site visit to support the observation. 3.3. COMPUTATION The alternative water percentage for the reporting period can be calculated using the following equations: Percentage (%) of alternative water consumption = [Alternative water consumption (i.e., m 3 )] [Total water consumption (i.e., m 3 )] × 100% 3.4. ASSUMPTIONS AND UNCERTAINTIES Any and all averaging approach to consumption data shall be noted and wherever practicably possible the uncertainties shall be quantified. Total water consumed for the reporting period shall be calculated based on the actual consumption of water for each month within the reporting period. In the event of data unavailability, average consumptions can be provided. Averaging approaches and assumptions made should be described in sufficient detail. Total water consumed for the year of reporting shall be calculated based on the actual consumption of water for each month within the reporting period. Each source of water should be calculated separately. 4. OTHER METHODOLOGICAL CONSIDERATIONS 4.1. COMMENT AND LIMITATION Not applicable. 4.2. VALIDATION Measurement and Verification (M&V) report to verify savings endorsed by certified M & V professional. 4.3. QUALITY MANAGEMENT Not applicable. 5. REFERENCES 1. SO 46001:2019 Water Efficiency Management System. 2. Green Technology Master Plan Malaysia 2017–2030. 3. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 87 GREEN PRACTICES GUIDELINE FOR FISHERIES SECTOR (AQUACULTURE)
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