Green Practices Guideline for Fisheries Sector

FISHERIES IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS (FIPS): Collaborative efforts are underway in Malaysia’s fisheries sector to implement Fisheries Improvement Projects. FIPs aim to address specific sustainability challenges and work towards achieving internationally recognised standards, such as those set by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC). These projects involve engaging stakeholders along the seafood supply chain to promote responsible fishing practices, improve stock assessments, enhance traceability, and reduce bycatch and habitat impacts. COMMUNITY-BASED FISHERIES MANAGEMENT: Malaysia recognises the importance of involving local communities in fisheries management decisions. Community- based fisheries management approaches empower fishing communities to actively participate in resource conservation and management. Through co-management arrangements, local knowledge and traditional practices are integrated with scientific expertise, ensuring the sustainable use of fisheries resources while considering the socio-economic well-being of fishing communities. RESEARCH AND INNOVATION: Malaysia’s fisheries sector actively promotes research and innovation to develop and adopt advanced technologies and practices that enhance sustainability. This includes initiatives such as the development of environmentally friendly aquafeed formulations, the use of advanced monitoring systems to optimise water quality and minimise waste, and the application of genetic technologies for selective breeding of healthier and more resilient fish stocks. 3 4 5 By incorporating these various approaches alongside cleaner production, lean manufacturing, circular economy principles, and sustainable supply chain practices, Malaysia’s fisheries (aquaculture) sector is striving to achieve the objectives outlined in the Green Technology Master Plan (GTMP). These efforts not only contribute to environmental conservation but also enhance the sector’s long-term viability, promote market access for sustainably produced seafood, and support the well-being of fishing communities and the broader economy. 26 GREEN PRACTICES GUIDELINE FOR FISHERIES SECTOR (AQUACULTURE)