Green Technology Annual Report

PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT THROUGH ACTIVE LIFESTYLE Another public engagement s t r a t egy i s t hr ough t he promotion of active lifestyle programmes, which is strongly correlated to the adoption of green lifestyles. Activities such as walking and cycling are some of the lifestyle solutions that support the green agenda. 2019 Highlights In 2019, MGTC organised the first GreenTech Run to promote an eco-friendly lifestyle by engaging the public on the Government’s green initiatives and promoting products and services by MGTC. The run, taglined “Don’t be mean, just go green!”, attracted around 700 participants. Winners of the 10km men’s and women’s categories were rewarded with RM500 and a medal, RM300 and a medal and RM200 and medal for first, second and third placing respectively. Those who came in fourth to sixth received RM150 and a medal, while seventh to 10th finishers received RM100 and a medal. All those who completed the run received a medal. MGTC is currently conceptualising the Karnival Gaya Hidup Hijau (GAH) 2020 to encourage a green lifestyle among local authorities, strategic and business partners, local SMEs, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), university and college students and society in general. What’s Next ›› 89 MALAYSIAN GREEN TECHNOLOGY & CLIMATE CHANGE CENTRE ANNUAL REPORT 2019