Green Technology Annual Report

One of the best approaches to promote green technology is to enable potential users to experience the products and services first hand. In this regard, MGTC has been providing experiential learning since the Green E n e r g y O f f i c e , mo r e commonly known as the G E O b u i l d i n g , w a s commissioned in 2007. Using insights gleaned, demonstration projects have been developed to create awareness and experiential learning opportunities. The GEO building is MGTC’s headquarters in Bangi, about 40km south of Kuala Lumpur. Located on a five-acre site, the building is designed to be exceptionally energy efficient, with a building energy index (BEI) of 65Wh/m 2 /year as compared to the norm of 250-300kWh/m 2 /year for conventional office buildings in Kuala Lumpur. Incorporating advanced green technologies, the GEO building serves as a model for the design and construction of sustainable living/working spaces in the region. Among its green solutions are innovative energy management systems and rainwater harvesting systems. MGTC has hosted visitors from ministries, foreign delegations and green technology organisations to showcase Malaysia’s green building technology. The tour programme is also open to members of the public. Industry and Public Experiencing Green Building MGTC’s headquarters in Bangi is designed to be exceptionally energy efficient, with a building energy index (BEI) of 65Wh/ m 2 /year as compared to the norm of 250-300kWh/m 2 /year EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING 86 MALAYSIAN GREEN TECHNOLOGY & CLIMATE CHANGE CENTRE ANNUAL REPORT 2019