Green Technology Annual Report
Recognition of efforts to promote and build a green economy not only motivate greater participation in the sector, it also creates greater awareness among the public of the value placed on green technology. The National Energy Awards, or NEA is a ministry initiative initiated in 2018 to acknowledge and recognise the energy efficiency practices and renewable energy efforts among private and public sectors in Malaysia. NEA is the cornerstone of a joint venture between government & private sectors for innovations in products, solutions & commercialisation towards a green economy. It is funded by the Malaysian Electricity Supply Industries Trust Account or AAIBE and is fully supported by Energy Commission (Suruhanjaya Tenaga) and Sustainable Energy Development Authority (SEDA). It also serves as a platform to identify Malaysia’s best practises in the field EE & RE to represent Malaysia at the ASEAN Energy Awards (AEA) on a yearly basis. National Energy Awards (NEA) In order for green technology to become a key driver of sustainable development, it has to be integrated into every aspect of our lives. This, in turn, requires Malaysians to adopt a green mindset and make conscious decisions to reduce our collective environmental footprint. To encourage more sustainable lifestyles, MGTC reaches out to the public by recognising excellence in green technologies and also creating opportunities for people to experience the multifaceted benefits of green solutions. Recognise efforts across the public and private sectors in energy innovation that have a positive impact on the public. Promote innovation in technology, inspiring research and development (R&D) in line with the aspiration for green energy to become a new engine of economic growth. Highlight the development of ideas and best practices in sustainable energy. Enhance awareness of the importance of sustainable energy in society. Energy Efficiency (EE) – recognising excellence in energy management and energy efficiency in commercial and industrial buildings. Renewable Energy (RE) – encompassing on-grid and off-grid generation of energy from different renewable sources. Objectives Categories NGTP Strategic Thrust 05 PUBLIC AWARENESS PROMOTION & AWARDS & RECOGNITION 82 MALAYSIAN GREEN TECHNOLOGY & CLIMATE CHANGE CENTRE ANNUAL REPORT 2019
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