Green Technology Annual Report

Introduction and awareness Baseline & Action Plan Development Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Implementation & Continuous Improvement 6 Action Plans Continuous Development Low-Carbon Cities Framework (LCCF) Diamond Certification Cities account for about 70% of GHG emissions globally. To help local authorities support holistic sustainable development in Malaysia and achieve the Government’s emissions target by 2030, the LCCF was developed. It provides the necessary tools – including city design guidelines, measurement and reporting methodology as well as an assessment and recognition programme – to implement low-carbon strategies in a systematic and impactful manner. The framework, encompassing the Urban Environment, Urban Transportation, Urban Infrastructure and Building, is to be supported by a Low Carbon Cities Master Plan (LCCMP) which is currently being drafted. Three key objectives of the LCCF: Application of the framework is a continuous process undertaken in three phases: Upon completion of Phase 3, the initiatives undertaken are reviewed to measure the CO 2 reduction achieved. An Assessment and Recognition system is used to evaluate the local councils’ efforts, based on the CO 2 reduction achieved in designated zones. Assessment & Recognition Provisional Certificate Develop baseline and pledge commitment to reduce emissions Diamond Recognition Achieve emissions reduction based on the scale below Assessment Recognition Current Annual Emissions Baseline Year 1 st Year 2 nd Year Continuous Emissions Reduction Every Year 4 Step Process Measure Manage Reduce Certify 1 2 3 4 1% 5% 10% 25% 45% Measure & quantify the actual carbon emissions Guide Local Authorities (PBT) in transforming their cities into LCC Create awareness and promote LCC in Malaysia 46 MALAYSIAN GREEN TECHNOLOGY & CLIMATE CHANGE CENTRE ANNUAL REPORT 2019