Green Technology Annual Report

Achievements 2019 Highlights In 2019, MGTC approved 396 MyHIJAU Mark applications, exceeding the target of 350 . In efforts to promote the programme and the companies registered, MGTC set up a MyHIJAU Pavilion at the 10 th IGEM. The pavilion showcased developments under the MyHIJAU Mark Recognition Scheme including the website and mobile apps, as well as the certification and verification partners. Moving forward, MGTC will continue to organise workshops to explain the MyHIJAU Mark verification process and benefits of the registration and directory. At the same time, the organisation seek to expand its database of verification bodies to facilitate the process of certification. From 2015-2019, a total of 5,183 products and services were registered under the scheme. MyHIJAU Mark Registration Until 31 st December 2019 Number of Green Products and Services Registered under MyHIJAU Mark by sector, 2015-2019 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 2015 2016 5,183 3,450 150 181 250 2017 2018 2019 Yearly Target Yearly Actual Cumulative Actual Cumulative Target 215 800 934 1,000 1,812 1,250 2,041 Number of Product and Services Number of Companies 5,183 Total 387 Total Building Energy Transport Waste Water 795 97 33 13 1,066 87 114 11 3,175 179 Number of Products & Services Number of Companies MyHIJAU Registered Certification & Varification Partners What’s Next ›› 43 MALAYSIAN GREEN TECHNOLOGY & CLIMATE CHANGE CENTRE ANNUAL REPORT 2019