Green Technology Annual Report

MyHIJAU Mark & Directory GREEN CERTIFICATION MyHIJAU Mark & Directory is a government initiative to promote the sourcing and purchasing of green products and services in Malaysia. It provides a single recognisable mark that consolidates all certified products and services that meet local and international environmental standards. The programme also includes an online directory which allows easy access to the public. MyHIJAU Mark fulfills the following Key Objectives: Provides A Simple And Clear Way For Consumers To Distinguish Genuine Green Products And Services Through The Usage Of A Single, Trusted Logo. Serves As A Comprehensive Online Platform For Businesses To Promote Their Green Products And Services To New Markets. Encourages Malaysians To Make Smart, Educated Decisions About Their Shopping Habits That Will Lead To A Cleaner, Greener Future. Inspires More Companies To Attain Proper Environmental Certification In Order To Reap The Benefits Of Carrying The MyHIJAU Mark And Being Listed On The MyHIJAU Directory. MGTC’s role is to promote the MyHIJAU Mark recognition and directory, as well as provide business advisory, verification and monitoring of certified green products and services. The organisation register products and services that have already been certified by accredited certification bodies; as well as conducts our own verification for such products and services. Progress 2012 2013 2014 2015 2018 MyHIJAU Mark was introduced by the Government. The recognition and directory were launched. Government announced tax incentives for the use of green products and targeted more than 1,000 products and services to be registered under the scheme. To capture eco-friendly agricultural products and green spaces, MGTC included the Malaysia Sustainable Palm Oil Certification Scheme and Green Building Certification into the programme. More than 200 products and services registered under the MyHIJAU Mark, and a target was set for at least 20% of all Government purchases being green by 2020. MyHIJAU app was launched enabling consumers to download the Directory from Play Stores and App Stores. MGTC focuses on three levels of certification for specific objectives, namely certifications at the city, organisation and product/ service levels. MyHIJAU Mark Energy Management Gold Standard (EMGS) L ow C a r b o n C i t i e s F r ame w o r k ( L C C F ) Diamond Certification 42 MALAYSIAN GREEN TECHNOLOGY & CLIMATE CHANGE CENTRE ANNUAL REPORT 2019