Green Technology Annual Report
Progress Under Budget 2019, the Government expanded the list of green assets that qualify for GITA from nine to 49, a large number of which fall under the renewable energy (RE) category. RE, waste and water were new sector added to the incentive which previously focused only on energy efficiency, building and transportation. Approved GITA Projects (2016-2019) Approved GITA Projects by RE Subsector (2016-2019) Approved GITE Services (2016-2019) LIST OF QUALIFIED GREEN ASSETS FOR GITA Achievements From 2016-2019, a total of 301 projects were approved. Which most of the applications were in the Energy Category with total numbers of 298 projects . Meanwhile, 28 applications were approved under GITE services to claim for tax exemption and 8 applications were approved under GITA asset. Details are as indicated in the chart below: 4 9 Initial (2016) Current (2019) Building 1 7 Initial (2016) Current (2019) Energy Efficiency 0 8 Initial (2016) Current (2019) Waste 4 4 Initial (2016) Current (2019) Transportation 0 20 Initial (2016) Current (2019) Renewable Energy 0 1 Initial (2016) Current (2019) Water 240 3 58 Renewable Energy Energy Efficiency Green Building 11 17 Renewable Energy Energy Efficiency Green Building 226 2 1 11 Solar Biogas Biomass Mini Hydro 38 MALAYSIAN GREEN TECHNOLOGY & CLIMATE CHANGE CENTRE ANNUAL REPORT 2019
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