Green Technology Annual Report
GREEN INCENTIVES T h r e e k e y i n c e n t i v e programmes are offered to encourage greater adoption of green technology hence develop the industry: G r e e n T e c h n o l o g y Financing Scheme (GTFS) Green Technology Tax Incentives Energy Audit Conditional Grant (EACG) GTFS is a low-cost financing scheme to facilitate the financing of green technology projects, providing easier access to private funds. The scheme, which targets both producers and users of green technology, offers a government guarantee of 60% of the financed amount and a 2% per annum rebate on the interest/profit rate charged by financial institutions. In order to qualify for GTFS, organisations need to demonstrate that their green investments satisfy five criteria: Green Technology Financing Scheme (GTFS) 1 2 3 4 5 ZERO OR LOW GHG EMISSION CONSERVE THE USE OF NATURAL RESOURCES PROMOTE THE USE OF RENEWABLE RESOURCES MINIMISE DEGRADATION TO THE ENVIRONMENT SAFE FOR USE AND PROMOTES HEALTHY AND IMPROVED ENVIRONMENT The Government promotes the adoption of green technology through various platforms, from the provision of financial incentives to ensuring green products and services are prioritised in procurement decisions. It is also creating greater visibility and access to the green choices available, and bringing together green innovators with decision makers in the private and public sectors. MGTC plays a critical role in the green ecosystem by developing and implementing various strategic programmes to meet the specific needs of the industry. ENVIRONMENT CONDUCIVE NGTP Strategic Thrust 02 34 MALAYSIAN GREEN TECHNOLOGY & CLIMATE CHANGE CENTRE ANNUAL REPORT 2019
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