Green Technology Annual Report
2019 Highlights Expansion of MGTC’s Scope Under Key Sectors With Incorporation of Climate Change PRIOR TO 2019 CLIMATE CHANGE MITIGATION SECTORS ENERGY WASTE MITIGATION SECTORS ADAPTATION SECTORS ENERGY INDUSTRIAL PROCESS & PRODUCT USE LAND USE, LAND USE CHANGE & FORESTRY FOOD SECURITY & AGRICULTURE FORESTRY & BIODIVERSITY PUBLIC HEALTH INFRASTRUCTURE COASTAL PROTECTION WATER SECURITY AGRICULTURE WASTE Part of the deployment of GTMP is the formulation of action plans for the sectors monitored. In 2019 , the Low Carbon Mobility Blueprint was completed , which also forms the Action Plan for the Transport Sector. Action plans for other sectors are being initiated. OC TOBER 2 0 1 9 – S COPE EXPANDED In 2019, Malaysian Green Techno l ogy Corporation was also rebranded as Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Centre (MGTC), along with an expanded scope that i n c l u d e s l e a d i n g climate actions for the nation. 33 MALAYSIAN GREEN TECHNOLOGY & CLIMATE CHANGE CENTRE ANNUAL REPORT 2019
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