Green Technology Annual Report
By 2030 C o n t r i b u t i n g 1.5% GDP RM60 Billion 2013: RM7.9 Billion E q u i v a l e n t T o Green Technology Master Plan (GTMP) Water Energy Waste Building Transport Manufacturing In laying a course for the country’s green growth journey, it has also set a foundation for the cultivation of mindset and behavioural change to indicate a green lifestyle among the rakyat. It is anticipated that, by 2030, a total of RM94.3 billion will be invested in green technology in the country, which will contribute approximately 1.5% to the nation’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) – equivalent to RM60 billion from RM7.9 billion in 2013. This projection is premised on proper execution of policies and monitoring mechanisms to keep track of green business performance, an increase in exports as well as private sector cooperation. Supporting this agenda, the top 30 public listed companies which contribute to about 15% of the national GDP have committed to sustainability practices in their business operations. The GTMP outlines targets in key focus areas where green technology has the potential to generate the greatest socioeconomic and environmental impact, and is the first document to provide actionable strategic directions to support the NGTP. It aligns the existing green technology-related policies and action plans with the strategic direction of the 11th Malaysia Plan. The GTMP also fosters inter-ministerial collaboration to address areas where jurisdictions overlap. In line with the NGTP, it has identified five strategic thrusts where Government intervention is essential to create a conducive ecosystem for green technology development. It recognises strengths and weaknesses in the existing system, and provides action points for the relevant Government entities and/or the private sector to act on. Most importantly, it makes explicit ownership of various initiatives to instil responsibility and accountability among the relevant entities. The GTMP focuses on six sectors: 30 MALAYSIAN GREEN TECHNOLOGY & CLIMATE CHANGE CENTRE ANNUAL REPORT 2019
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