Green Technology Annual Report
The need for sustainable development has become more pressing, accentuated by global issues such as depleting natural resources and climate change. Nations across the world have responded by pushing ahead with various green agenda. In Malaysia, the seeds of structured change towards greener development were sown by the National Green Technology Policy launched in July 2009. Since then, many programmes to promote green technology have been initiated. A defining moment was the launch of the Green Technology Master Plan (GTMP) in 2017. 5 Strategic Thrusts: Green Technology is the development and application of products, equipment and systems used to conserve the natural environment and resources which minuses and reduces the negative impact of human activities. Green Technology refers to Products, Equipment or Systems which satisfy the following criteria: Minimise the degradation of the environment Have zero or low Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission Are safe for use and promote healthy and improved environment for all forms of life Promote the use of renewable resources Definition of Green Technology National Green Technology Policy (NGTP) The overriding objective of the NGTP was for green technology to accelerate national economic growth via sustainable development. The policy was supported by Environmental, Economic and Social pillars, and comprised five strategic thrusts, namely: POLICY & MASTER PLAN Conserve the use of energy and natural resources FRAMEWORK INSTITUTIONAL Strengthen the institutional framework Provide a conducive environment for green technology development Intensify human capital development in green technology Intensify green technology research and innovation Promotion and public awareness NGTP Strategic Thrust 01 28 MALAYSIAN GREEN TECHNOLOGY & CLIMATE CHANGE CENTRE ANNUAL REPORT 2019
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