Green Technology Annual Report
Prof Dato’ Ir. Dr. A. Bakar Bin Jaafar , PEng, FIEM, FASc, a Malaysian, is the Chairman of Malaysian Green Technology & Climate Change Centre (MGTC). He was appointed as Chairman of the Board on 4 October 2019. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree (Hons) in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia, 1973, a Master’s Degree in Environmental Science from Miami University, Ohio, USA, 1976; and PhD in (Marine) Geography from the University of Hawaii, Manoa, 1984. He has served the Government of Malaysia in various capacities since 1973, and his career included stints as Factories and Machinery Inspector (1973-1974), Staff Engineer of the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Industrial Environmental Research Laboratory (1975-1976), Principal Assistant Director (Water Quality), Environment Division, Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (1976-1984), Economic Planning Unit in the Prime Minister’s Department (1984-1985), in the Deparment of Environment (DOE) as the Director of Operations (1985-1986), Deputy Director-General (Planning) (1987-1989), and the Director- General (1990-1995). After his optional retirement, he continued to serve the Government of Malaysia as the Elected-Member of United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (1997-2002) (2002-2007) (2007-2012), in the United Nations’ Headquarters, New York. In the private sector, he is on the Board of Directors of public-listed and private companies, including Land & General Berhad, Enviro-LIFT Services Sdn Bhd, Novaviro Technology Sdn Bhd, AGV Environment Sdn Bhd and PAIP Berhad. Currently, he is the Research Fellow of UTM Ocean Thermal Energy Centre, and Professor at Perdana Centre, UTM Razak Faculty of Technology and Informatics, since 2013. PROFESOR DATO’ IR. DR. A. BAKAR BIN JAAFAR Chairman 17 MALAYSIAN GREEN TECHNOLOGY & CLIMATE CHANGE CENTRE ANNUAL REPORT 2019
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