Green Technology Annual Report
Guided by the 45% carbon emission reduction target, MGTC will be focusing its climate change mitigation strategies on the most critical sectors and sub-sectors of the economy. Being mandated as the Climate Change Centre, it would help facilitates the Agency in its planning and tactical coordination, in order to tap into the nation’s resources and talents to help achieve the national CO 2 emission targets. It would also focus on its Climate Change Adaptation strategies that encompass Public Health, Water Security, Food Security, Infrastructure, Coastal Protection and Biodiversity. Towards this end, a Climate Change Collaboration Network is to be set up, with MGTC serving as its nucleus linking universities, research institutions, industries and other national and international organisations working together on common goals. The year 2020 has begun on a very challenging note, with the COVID-19 outbreak. Although the pandemic has had a serious social and economic impact on almost all nations across the world, it has also demonstrated that people are able to make and adapt to dramatic changes in their lives, for better outcomes. This is positive news for the green agenda in which half the battle lies in adopting new attitudes and belief systems. As MGTC assumes its new mandate to lead the country on climate actions, it will press on with efforts to influence Malaysians’ mindsets and behaviours through public education, awareness, and industry programmes. Guided by the 45% carbon emission reduction target , MGTC will be focusing its climate change mitigation strategies on the most critical sectors and sub-sectors of the economy. At this very exciting juncture that we are in, and on behalf of the MGTC and I would like to thank all relevant stakeholders for their support in creating a more sustainable Malaysia, and in particular, the newly formed Ministry of Environment and Water (KASA), all other government agencies, private sector organisations, NGOs and all our partners. I should like to congratulate YB Dato’ Tuan Ibrahim Bin Tuan Man on his recent appointment as the Minister of Environment and Water, and look forward to working together to achieve our common vision toward a sustainable future. On behalf of fellow MGTC Directors, I would also like to congratulate and our newly elected Chief Executive Officer, En Shamsul Bahar bin Mohd Nor, who has enjoyed a sterling 30-year career in the corporate sector that includes heading an Renewable Energy organisation. Under his leadership, I have every confidence in the empowered Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Centre team delivering on the mandate entrusted upon us. As MGTC assumes our new mantle to lead the country on climate actions , we will press on with efforts to influence Malaysians’ mindsets and behaviours through public and industry programmes. 7 MALAYSIAN GREEN TECHNOLOGY & CLIMATE CHANGE CENTRE ANNUAL REPORT 2019
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