Green Technology Annual Report

NO. ABBREVIATIONS FULL TERMS 171. SA Sales Assistance 172. SARE Supply Agreement Renewable Energy 173. SCP Sustainable Consumption and Production 174. SD Sustainable Development 175. SDGs Sustainable Development Goals 176. SEDA Sustainable Energy Development Authority 177. SEMS Sustainable Energy Management System 178. SIA Sustainable Innovation Awards 179. SIRIM Standard and Industrial Research Institute of Malaysia 180. SME Small and Medium Enterprises 181. SMI Small Medium Industry 182. SMK Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan 183. ST Suruhanjaya Tenaga 184. SWOT Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat 185. tCO 2 Total Carbon Dioxide 186. tCO 2 e Total Carbon Dioxide Equivalent 187. TLDM Tentera Laut Di Raja Malaysia 188. TNB Tenaga Nasional Berhad 189. TNBES TNB Energy Services Sdn Bhd 190. UAE United Arab Emirates 191. UiTM Universiti Teknologi Mara NO. ABBREVIATIONS FULL TERMS 192. UKPACT United Kingdom Partnering for Accelerated Climate Transitions 193. UKM Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia 194. UMK Universiti Malaysia Kelantan 195. UN United Nations 196. UNCLOS United Nations Conventions for The Law of The Sea 197. UNEP United Nations Environment Programme 198. UNESCO The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation 199. UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organisation 200. UNSW The University of New South Wales 201. UOB Malaysia United Overseas Bank 202. UPEN Unit Perancangan Ekonomi Negara 203. US EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency 204. UTM Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 205. UTP University Technology Petronas 206. VDP Vendor Development Programme 207. VSS Voluntary Sustainable Scheme 208. WTO World Trade Organisation 209. YaHijau Yayasan Hijau Malaysia 210. YBM Yang Berhormat Mulia 211. YDP Yang Di Pertua 149 MALAYSIAN GREEN TECHNOLOGY & CLIMATE CHANGE CENTRE ANNUAL REPORT 2019