Green Technology Annual Report

APPENDICES LIST OF PRODUCT GROUPS UNDER GGP No. GGP PRODUCTS PG-01 ICT Equipment PG-02 Paint & Coating PG-03 Fibre Cement PG-04 Energy Efficient Indoor Lighting PG-05 Paper PG-06 Textiles PG-07 Furniture PG-08 Multi Purpose Printer PG-09 Air Conditioning System PG-10 Biodegradable Packaging Products PG-11 Water Efficient Appliances PG-12 Rain Water Harvesting System PG-13 Stationery (Paper Based Products) PG-14 Rubber Based Products PG-15 Cleaning Services PG-16 Green Data Centre Services PG-17 Building Facilities Management Services PG-18 Automotive Workshop Services PG-19 Paper Based Printing Services PG-20 Hotel, Logistic & Training Services MOU/MOA FORGED DURING IGEM 2019 No MOU/MOA 1. LCC 2030 Challenge MoU between MGTC and CDP Worldwide (UK) 2. LCC 2030 Challenge MoU between MGTC and (MIP, PAM, IEM, MGBC, ACEM, MAESCO, MASHRA) 3. MoU between MGTC and AmBank Islamic 4. MoU between MGTC and SHELL 5. MoU between MBI Kedah – LADA – MGTC 6. MoU between SEDA and University Technology Malaysia 7. MoU between Plus Solar and UOB Malaysia 8. MoA of Nano Malaysia 9. MoU between Petronas and University Technology Petronas (UTP) 10. MoU between Malaysia Marine and Heavy Engineering and University Technology Petronas (UTP) 11. MoU between MGTC and KC Express Co. Ltd 12. MoU between MGTC and Dentou PVM Sdn Bhd 13. MoU between MGTC and HISG Group of National Taiwan University of Science and Technology 14. MoU between MGTC and MTEA 15. McDonalds Announcement with MIDA 142 MALAYSIAN GREEN TECHNOLOGY & CLIMATE CHANGE CENTRE ANNUAL REPORT 2019