Green Technology Annual Report
13. RETAINED PROFITS The Company is prohibited to distribute any dividend to its members under Section 45(2)(b) of the Companies Act 2016 in Malaysia. 14. GOVERNMENT GRANTS The Group/The Company 2019 RM 2018 RM At 1 January 15,975,145 20,486,995 Additions during the financial year 22,441,148 8,527,628 Utilisation during the financial year (10,734,369) (13,039,478) At 31 December 27,681,924 15,975,145 15. DEFERRED INCOME The deferred income represents advances received from Tesla car buyers. 16. BUILDING FUND The Group/The Company 2019 RM 2018 RM Cost 25,037,500 25,037,500 Accumulated amortisation (8,869,192) (8,167,937) At 31 December 16,168,308 16,869,563 Accumulated amortisation:- At 1 January 8,167,937 7,466,684 Amortisation for the financial year 701,255 701,253 At 31 December 8,869,192 8,167,937 Building fund is a grant received from the Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water, Malaysia to build Pusat Tenaga Malaysia Zero Energy Office (“PTM ZEO”) Building. 123 MALAYSIAN GREEN TECHNOLOGY & CLIMATE CHANGE CENTRE ANNUAL REPORT 2019
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