Green Technology Annual Report

7. PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT (CONT’D) At 1.1.2018 RM Additions RM Depreciation Charges RM At 31.12.2018 RM 2018 Carrying Amount Leasehold land 2,971,605 – (33,768) 2,937,837 Building 15,196,186 – (384,753) 14,811,433 Computers 90,852 188,649 (154,557) 124,944 Energy audit equipment 27 – – 27 Furniture and fittings 20,048 4,150 (6,036) 18,162 Motor vehicles 250,916 139,876 (164,823) 225,969 Office equipment 13,490 18,289 (6,911) 24,868 Renovation 134,584 16,686 (30,036) 121,234 Solar system 231,530 – (29,700) 201,830 18,909,238 367,650 (810,584) 18,466,304 The Group/The Company At Cost RM Accumulated Depreciation RM Carrying Amount RM 2019 Building 19,077,708 (4,651,027) 14,426,681 Computers 1,923,516 (1,814,403) 109,113 Energy audit equipment 157,945 (157,918) 27 Furniture and fittings 1,449,200 (1,437,470) 11,730 Motor vehicles 942,747 (854,150) 88,597 Office equipment 244,972 (210,230) 34,742 Renovation 312,918 (219,094) 93,824 Solar system 3,334,713 (3,162,583) 172,130 27,443,719 (12,506,875) 14,936,844 7. PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT (CONT’D) The Group/The Company At Cost RM Accumulated Depreciation RM Carrying Amount RM 2018 Leasehold land 3,343,056 (405,219) 2,937,837 Building 19,077,708 (4,266,275) 14,811,433 Computers 1,959,034 (1,834,090) 124,944 Energy audit equipment 157,945 (157,918) 27 Furniture and fittings 1,449,200 (1,431,038) 18,162 Motor vehicles 942,747 (716,778) 225,969 Office equipment 223,672 (198,804) 24,868 Renovation 309,068 (187,834) 121,234 Solar system 3,334,713 (3,132,883) 201,830 30,797,143 (12,330,839) 18,466,304 121 MALAYSIAN GREEN TECHNOLOGY & CLIMATE CHANGE CENTRE ANNUAL REPORT 2019