Green Technology Annual Report
3. BASIS OF PREPARATION (CONT’D) 3.2 The Group has not applied in advance the following accounting standards and/or interpretations (including the consequential amendments, if any) that have been issued by the Malaysian Accounting Standards Board (“MASB”) but are not yet effective for the current financial year:- MFRSs and/or IC Interpretations (Including The Consequential Amendments) Effective Date MFRS 17 Insurance Contracts 1 January 2021 Amendments to MFRS 3: Definition of a Business 1 January 2020 Amendments to MFRS 9, MFRS 139 and MFRS 7: Interest Rate Benchmark Reform 1 January 2020 Amendments to MFRS 10 and MFRS 128: Sale or Contribution of Assets between an Investor and its Associate or Joint Venture Deferred Amendments to MFRS 101 and MFRS 108: Definition of Material 1 January 2020 Amendments to MFRS 101: Classification of Liabilities as Current or Non-current 1 January 2022 Amendments to References to the Conceptual Framework in MFRS Standards 1 January 2020 The adoption of the above accounting standards and/or interpretations (including the consequential amendments, if any) is expected to have no material impact on the financial statements of the Group upon their initial application. 4. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES 4.1 CRITICAL ACCOUNTING ESTIMATES AND JUDGEMENTS Key Sources of Estimation Uncertainty Management believes that there are no key assumptions made concerning the future, and other key sources of estimation uncertainty at the reporting date, that have a significant risk of causing a material adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities within the next financial year other than as disclosed below:- (a) Depreciation of Property and Equipment The estimates for the residual values, useful lives and related depreciation charges for the property and equipment are based on commercial factors which could change significantly as a result of technical innovations and competitors’ actions in response to the market conditions. The Group anticipates that the residual values of its property and equipment will be insignificant. As a result, residual values are not being taken into consideration for the computation of the depreciable amount. Changes in the expected level of usage and technological development could impact the economic useful lives and the residual values of these assets, therefore future depreciation charges could be revised. The carrying amount of property and equipment as at the reporting date is disclosed in Note 7 to the financial statements. (b) Impairment of Non-financial Assets The Group determines whether an item of its non-financial assets is impaired by evaluating the extent to which the recoverable amount of the asset is less than its carrying amount. This evaluation is subject to changes such as market performance, economic and political situation of the country. A variety of methods is used to determine the recoverable amount, such as valuation reports and discounted cash flows. For discounted cash flows, significant judgement is required in the estimation of the present value of future cash flows generated by the assets, which involve uncertainties and are significantly affected by assumptions used and judgements made regarding estimates of future cash flows and discount rates. 107 MALAYSIAN GREEN TECHNOLOGY & CLIMATE CHANGE CENTRE ANNUAL REPORT 2019
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