Green Technology Annual Report

Retained Profits RM Total Equity RM The Group Balance at 1.1.2018 21,442,458 21,442,458 Profit after taxation for the financial year/ Total comprehensive income for the financial year 2,845,257 2,845,257 Balance at 31.12.2018/1.1.2019 24,287,715 24,287,715 Profit after taxation for the financial year/ Total comprehensive income for the financial year 924,368 924,368 Balance at 31.12.2019 25,212,083 25,212,083 Retained Profits RM Total Equity RM The Company Balance at 1.1.2018 21,755,659 21,755,659 Profit after taxation for the financial year/ Total comprehensive income for the financial year 2,971,506 2,971,506 Balance at 31.12.2018/1.1.2019 24,727,165 24,727,165 Profit after taxation for the financial year Total comprehensive income for the financial year 966,261 966,261 Balance at 31.12.2019 25,693,426 25,693,426 STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2019 103 MALAYSIAN GREEN TECHNOLOGY & CLIMATE CHANGE CENTRE ANNUAL REPORT 2019