The Malaysian government hosted the kick-off workshops for a new project that aims to strengthening capacities to increase resilience with the formulation of an inclusive NAP.

Malaysia’s Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Sustainability will lead a new project that seeks to strengthen capacity to increase climate resilience through an inclusive NAP process. (Credit: GIZ)
The Malaysian government hosted the kick-off workshops for a new project that marks an important milestone for advancing its national adaptation plan (NAP) process on January 7-8, 2025, in Kuala Lumpur.
Malaysia has secured a EUR 2.8 million grant from the Green Climate Fund (GCF) for the project Strengthening Capacities to Increase Resilience With the Formulation of an Inclusive National Adaptation Plan (MyNAP) for Malaysia. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is Malaysia’s delivery partner, and the NAP Global Network will be engaged as a supporting technical partner as well as United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the National Water Research Institute of Malaysia (NAHRIM) and the Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Corporation (MGTC).
Led by Malaysia’s Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Sustainability (NRES), the new project will help foster a whole of government to adapting to climate change. Specific activities will include:
- discussing strategies for enhancing cooperation among different key actors: government agencies, non-governmental organizations, academia and private sector. The objective is to increase the engagement and ownership of the NAP process;
- identifying priority adaptation actions and drafting a roadmap for the NAP development process; and
- supporting implementation of the MyNAP through the identification of financing sources from across public, international, and private sector resources.

Over 100 participants shared their views and priorities on climate change adaptation across key sectors. (Credit: GIZ)
The kickoff workshop convened 100 representatives from government, the private sector, civil society, and academia in Kuala Lumpur for 2 days to share their insights and priorities on climate change adaptation in the 5 priority sectors: public health, infrastructure & cities, water & coastal resources, agriculture & food security, and forestry & biodiversity.
Malaysia’s Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Sustainability, YB Nik Nazmi bin Nik Ahmad, wrote in a recent opinion piece that “we are also working to incubate our future generations with a sustainable-first mindset. The national adaptation plan will outline strategies and measures to help the country adapt to the impacts of climate change. By positioning itself as a prime investment hub for green industry, Malaysia is seizing this moment to create highly-skilled green job opportunities that will support a sustainable future for our beloved nation.“
In 2024, Malaysia participated in the NAP Global Network’s regional peer learning cohort on monitoring, evaluation, and learning for NAP processes, meeting with peers from 7 countries to share lessons and good practices on the NAP process.