MGTC Signed MoU with Bursa Malaysia Malaysia
Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Corporation (MGTC) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Bursa Malaysia Malaysia to build and promote the local voluntary carbon market (VCM) ecosystem, following the launch of the Bursa Carbon Exchange (BCX) in December 2022.
The MoU has been signed by Bursa Chief Executive Officer, Datuk Muhamad Umar Swift and MGTC Chief Executive Officer, Ts Shamsul Bahar witnessed by Bursa Chairman, Tan Sri Abdul Wahid bin Omar.

This significant alliance with Bursa Malaysia marks a colossal leap towards mitigating climate change and thus becoming a carbon neutrality nation by 2050. It is a game changer in enticing industry players to be more resolute in managing carbon discharge. The VCM handbook is a pivotal option for companies in realizing carbon trading as part of their climate and sustainability strategies.

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