THE Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources (KeTSA) recently honoured winners of the National Energy Awards (NEA) 2020, comprising 15 companies across various industries and fields, who later represented the country at the Asean Energy Awards (AEA) 2020.
At AEA 2020, the categories were Green Building Awards 2020; Energy Management for Buildings & Industry Awards 2020; Energy Efficient Building Awards 2020; Renewable Energy Awards 2020; and Special Submission 2020.
The winners for Green Building Awards 2020 category were PAM Centre (small and medium building) and Menara Ken TTDI (large building).
The winners for Energy Efficient Building Awards 2020 category were LCDA Tower (new and existing building), as well as Menara Weld and The Weld Shopping Centre (retrofitted building).
Meanwhile, Amcorp Power Sdn Bhd (on-grid-national-grid) and Indah Water Konsortium Sdn Bhd (special submission) were the winners of the Renewable Energy Awards 2020 category.
Malaysia Green Technology Corp (MGTC) won the category of Special Submission 2020.
Previously, the companies also bagged top honours in Malaysia’s NEA 2020 for best practices in energy efficiency and renewable energy (RE).
The NEA is an initiative by KeTSA to recognise the outstanding achievements and best practices of public and private sectors in driving the country’s sustainable energy agenda.
Inaugurated in 2018, NEA is also a part of the government’s efforts in promoting energy efficiency and RE.
The winners of NEA 2020 were announced on Nov 18 last year, comprising 30 winners and runners-up from various categories.
On April 5, KeTSA Minister Datuk Seri Dr Shamsul Anuar Nasarah (picture) hosted a special event to celebrate the success of these local companies.
In his opening remarks, he said NEA will continue to be a catalyst for the adoption and implementation of energy efficiency and RE practices.
He also expressed his wish to see NEA attract more participation and introduce new categories to encourage more industry players to implement energy efficiency and RE initiatives.
Additionally, the minister reiterated the electricity supply industry’s commitment to honour Malaysia’s pledge to reduce its greenhouse gas emission by reducing its carbon intensity to 45% in 2025 and 60% in 2035 against the 2005 levels.
“In this regard, Malaysia’s RE target in 2025 is set at 31%.
“For Peninsular Malaysia, the RE capacity is expected to reach 8,531MW with 4,474MW coming from solar,” he noted.
He also stressed the importance of balancing the elements of reliability, sustainability and affordability in planning for the nation’s electricity supply to ensure the cost of supplying electricity is equitably shared by every segment of society.
The minister concluded that since 2018, the NEA has recorded an impressive increase in the number of entries received each year.
At the initial stage, 73 entries were received; 77 entries in 2019; and 110 entries in 2020.
“The increasing participation within three years shows that more organisations or business entities have incorporated energy sustainability elements in their daily operations, proving their commitment to reduce their carbon footprint,” he said.
Source : The Malaysian Reserve