Often when companies want to transition into a more sustainable business model and establish green standards for their products and services, they are unsure where to start. GreenTech Malaysia aims to ease the process through established verification programmes.

Generating Consumer Awareness of Green Products and Services

As Malaysia’s official green recognition mark scheme endorsed by the Government, the MyHIJAU Mark brings together green certified products and services that meet local and international environmental standards under one single mark. This way, buyers can be readily informed of what eco-friendly products and services are in the market instead of them having to scour the market for what is available. The green mark makes it easier to distinguish

these products from the sea of brands. As of 2018, there are 3,142 registered green products and services from 290 registered companies. Over the last few years, MyHIJAU Mark registrations have risen considerably and have exceeded the targets. This is reflective of businesses becoming increasingly conscious of their product and services’ impact on the environment.

Furthering its reach, there is also a MyHIJAU SME and Entrepreneur Development Programme that aims to encourage local industries including SMEs to adopt green practices and offer local green products and services. The aim is for participating companies to successfully incorporate the best green practices and applications into their operations by the end of the programme. In addition, they will be eligible to register their products for the MyHIJAU Mark and be listed in the MyHIJAU Directory.

To assure the utmost credibility of the MyHIJAU programme, GreenTech Malaysia entrusts its independent verification partners to establish the highest neutrality, trustworthiness and reliability.

Tracking Green House Gas Emissions

It becomes very hard to track the impact
of environmental initiatives without reliable quantitative data. This is why Measurement and Verification (M&V) is a way of evaluating the carbon footprint of businesses under the Green Technology Financing Scheme (GTFS). For this purpose, the M&V Audit programme was conducted for a period of six months from April 2018 to September 2018. A total of 89 companies across Malaysia were randomly picked from various sectors, mainly energy

and waste, to be audited by expert industry professionals from different backgrounds.
As Malaysian industries look at transitioning from conventional fossil fuels to renewable sources, measuring the GHG emissions is a good way to ascertain both short and long- term impact. The results of the data collected showed a reduction in overall greenhouse gas emissions from the fossil fuel power stations connected to the grid system. For 2018,
the collective GHG emissions reduced was 3.3 million tCO2e/year.

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